Who We Are
Just 4 Kidz Therapy was established in 2006, providing occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech-language pathology in Dallas County and surrounding cities. We strive to provide our clients with a therapeutic environment that incorporates play and fun in the treatment activities. Our goal is to provide a cohesive therapeutic environment for children requiring therapeutic services and an enjoyable environment for therapists to practice and enhance their talents and expertise as a practitioner.
We aim to provide therapeutic healthcare services tailored to a child’s unique needs. Families are equipped with educational tools, home exercise programs, and training to promote continuity in the client’s physical, developmental, social, and mental growth.
Our pediatric therapy services in Collin County, Texas, are rendered by experienced licensed therapists with expertise in providing children treatments. We collaborate with the physician, case worker, and teacher. We strive to make each therapy session effective by incorporating excitement to energize the child and maintain their focus and attention. That is Just 4 Kidz Therapy’s commitment!
Just 4 Kidz Therapy is therapist owned. LaDee Polk, OTR, OTD, SIPT is an occupational therapist with 21 years of experience specializing in the pediatric population and various diagnosis’ in home health, telehealth, schools, and clinics with a certification in sensory integration and praxis testing and an undergraduate OT degree from UTMB in Galveston, Texas and a doctorate degree from Chatham University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Additional areas of practice experience include adults and geriatrics in long term care, acute care, outpatient, work hardening, and mental health.
Chad Polk, PT, DPT, CLT has six years of experience as a physical therapist. Chad has a doctorate degree in physical therapy from St. Augustine University in St. Augustine, Florida. He has experience with pediatrics and adults in the home health setting, outpatient, and long-term care. Chad is also a certified lymphedema therapist.
Chad and LaDee believe in incorporating fun and energy to engage each child every therapy session. Their approach combines clinical expertise, evidence-based practices, and family involvement to gain positive outcomes in the treatment process.